Об образовательной программе
Направление: 38.04.02 Менеджмент
Профиль: Бизнес в России (на английском языке)
Факультет бизнеса

Количество мест для приема:
Бюджетных: 0Контрактных: 25
Cтоимость обучения в 2025 году: не указана
Актуальность программы:
Master’s degree program: 38.04.02 Management, Business in RussiaDegree type: Master
Duration: 2 years
Start: September 1, 2024
Admission: open
Language : English
The Master's program in Management, Business in Russia (conducted in English) is designed to cultivate competencies enabling graduates to engage in entrepreneurial activities within the Russian Federation. The concept and structure of the program are tailored to impart knowledge on conducting business with consideration for the national characteristics of the country of operation. Students gain insights into the landscape of the business environment by:
- exploring the specifics of Russia's economy at large and its industrial and trade policy in particular;
- mastering the regulatory framework governing entrepreneurial activities;
- acquainting themselves with the national nuances of business communication and economic relations.
The core of the program focuses on the key functional areas of management upon which entrepreneurial activity is built: production, logistics, sales, finance and investment, personnel, entrepreneurial initiative, and innovation. All courses within the program provide knowledge in the specified functional areas of management and develop skills in reasoning and organizing business operations in Russia. The possibility of conducting business in Russia is considered both in terms of independent entrepreneurship and within the framework of intrapreneurship in existing companies.
Throughout the program, under the guidance of a scientific advisor, each student develops an organizational and management project for implementing a business initiative in Russia. The developed project is defended before a panel of investors, where it receives expert evaluation, feedback, and possibly, investment support.
The teaching staff of the master's program comprises academic and business consultants who are engaged in entrepreneurial activities in Russia.
Candidate Requirements:
- Bachelor’s degree
- Minimum English proficiency level – B1, B2.
Employment Prospects:Graduates of the program are in high demand as entrepreneurs and Product Managers. They can start engaging in entrepreneurial activities during their studies. Graduates who demonstrate scientific potential during their studies may continue their education in doctoral programs and defend a dissertation for a PhD in Economics.
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На них ответит:Борисова А. А.